Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Glimmers of Spring

Wow, those days of hot weather have encouraged early plant growth and brought out some critters. Yellowtops are blooming, trillium and violets are budding. Even a few bees were out working. Turtles were sunning on logs and someone reported a watersnake. A bullfrog was singing his baritone solo, and lots of birds were busy in the treetops and the understory.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Woody Woodpecker?

This ol' woodhen was busily working on a beech tree. This is in a small upland habitat bordering the Bluebonnet Swamp. As I watched him work, the cold breeze was biting at me. I was too lightly clad for comfort, so I had to keep moving. It spoils me when I spend the weekend outdoors, warmly dressed, then venture out in my typical workaday clothes. It was a pretty afternoon in the swamp, cool and sunshiny. Saw a few squirrels, and some of the spring birds are arriving. Lots of the local residents were busy, too.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Unseasonably warm

I have been hemmed in kinda close and I've been neglecting my blogging, too. Still managing brief visits to the swamp, however. This afternoon, it was another warm one... shirtsleeve weather doesn't feel like January! Lots of birds were active. This barred owl was asking the perennial question, "who cooks for you". And a pair of great horned owls were hooting back and forth in the distance. Lots of other birds were active, too. Now, if I can just escape to the "real" woods... soon, I hope.