Sunday, October 31, 2010

Haunted Hikes

I've been helping at the Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center.  Their program for Halloween is a great alternative for kids.  Hundreds of people come for the festivities.  Hehe, there are "animal eyes"  along the trails for kids to count; closest count wins a prize.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Friday respite

It was a pretty afternoon in the woods.  I enjoyed seeing some wildlife:  birds, squirrels, armadillos.  But I was after deer.  Along about sunset, I saw movement behind that group of trees to the left.  A deer stepped through that small opening at center and, when it went behind a tree, I raised my bow.  It was a doe; as she crossed behind that thin veil of limbs and vines I noticed that she was skinny and bedraggled- looking.  She made a low "moo" sound, and another shorter "moo".  That's when she noticed me.  She wheeled and bounded away with her white tail waving, and two spotted fawns broke from cover and scrambled away after her.  What an interesting show!  But the two different sounds left me wondering:  did those kids have different names?

Thursday, October 07, 2010

October is often dry

yes, the swamp is thirsty; needs some rain.  Pretty time of year, though.  the critters and plants are preparing for fall.  This dry and unusually cool stretch of weather has been very pleasant for us human "intruders".