It's a nice view from camp, but I didn't get much further afield. I caught a cold last week and still coughing, weak, and sleeping poorly. I didn't hunt, just hung around camp and got some much- needed rest. It was efficient enough, to have pre- packed my gear this time; don't dawdle, just grab it and go. I keep threatening to leave directly from work, but I worry about the security of my stuff left in the truck all day, and about heat damage when it is warm weather. I got up Saturday , after another poor sleep, and hopped insto my clothes. It didn't seem as cold as the forecast, but felt damp. I reached to put some peppermints in my T- shirt pocket, but couldn't find the pocket. I had put it on backwards! Next, I discovered that my long- john bottoms were also on backwards. I won't bother to detail how I made that discovery. So I stripped down and started over. Sunday morning was clear and cool, low 30's, but I didn't hunt. I saw those hawks again, and must re- check a field guide. They really do have a white wing with dark patch beneath, and sthis time I could see a white face when one looked my way. I did shoot my bow in the yard a few times. I typically make the mistake of not enough practice during hunting season, spending most time and effort on hunting technique, without enough attention given to my shooting form and accuracy. I did manage to get home with a shoulder roast, and started it baking right away. I usually just wrap venison roasts in foil and bake them plain. They make great sandwiches and hash. I put trimmings and leftovers from this one on the dehydrator, for some kind of one- pot camp grub.