Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Campdaddy's Recipe: Instant Breakfast

OK, it's not really original; I got the idea from a similar one in Backpacker magazine. And it's not really a recipe; more like a "Serving Suggestion". That said, I've been using this lately, and maybe it's worth passing along. Breakfast can be difficult to manage on the trail, or when you're in a hurry to get out of camp for hunting or fishing. I get tired of Pop- Tarts and would prefer something more substantial, anyway. Here's an item that is hot and tasty, quick and easy, and "sticks to your ribs". Requires only your sierra cup and a spoon: cooked and eaten. The flavors meld nicely, and it is fairly nutritious.

  • Single- serve packet of instant oatmeal mix (I like the varieties with dried fruit).
  • Measure water per packet instructions and heat to boiling (at home, I microwave in a glass cup).
  • Dump in the packet of oatmeal mix
  • Stir in a dollop of peanut butter, one or two teaspoons or to taste.
  • Let stand 'till rehydrated, or until you can't wait any longer.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Free fishing days

I saw on the web today that Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries declared June 10 - 11 as free fishing days this year: anywhere in the state, freshwater or salt. Don't need a license to fish.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I'm practicing for my retirement

By rough figuring, I should become eligible for retirement September 6 (99 days), and I scheduled a meeting in late July to figure it more closely. I went to the country overnight to celebrate my Birthday. It's definitely summertime in the hills. Seems I just mowed that grass, and it needs cutting again. I was setting up my hammock when the thunderstorm broke, so I made a dash for the truck. I got myself and my gear all wet, but I caught a nap while the rain pattered on the camper- shell. It was hot and steamy after the shower cleared, and I just lazed around. I had brought my old bow, and flung a few arrows. I prowled the creek gravels for pottery sherds, but found none. Mosquitoes were terrible after the sun had set, and citronella candles didn't dissuade them. I had to shelter behind a screen to watch as darkness fell. The last birds went to roost and a bat fluttered around. It was nice to see the lightning- bugs flashing all around; they've murdered all the ones in Baton Rouge with mosquito- spray. I seem to recall single- flash is the male's advertising, and that is what I was seeing.

The songbirds were extolling their happiness Sunday morning; crows were cawing and turkeys were yelping across the creek. My trail to the creek was overgrown, and clearing it was a hot job. I don't know which was worse: swinging a blade or swatting at bugs. I took the opportunity to go up to the cemetery and visit my dad. I've come to be the same age as him--how time flies.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Flyfishing 101

The Red Stick club will host its beginners' day this Saturday. It's free and open to the public. If you have wanted to explore flyfishing, here's your opportunity. A flier is contained in the May newsletter. It's at the Waddill area, and I hear that South Choctaw is blocked, so you must come down Flannery Road from Greenwell Springs Road.