Monday, July 24, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Too many spiders

Campdaddy’s Recipe: Watermelon Jerky
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Painting the picnic table

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy Independence Day!
I camped in the country again. I just had to go back and see whether hogs were rooting up the creek banks. The old disturbed spots were still there, but nothing fresh. There were plenty deer tracks, but only one or two tracks that, with some imagination, might have been made by a hog. I guess I’ll just have to load up on bug spray and prowl the woods and thickets to satisfy my curiosity about hogs. I’ve been hesitant about beating the bushes, because the ticks seem to be so numerous. Rolling my pants hems under, with rubber bands to hold them in, has kept the critters from crawling up my legs. Lately, too, I’ve been experimenting with a short pair of gaiters. They keep the pants- leg closed, too, and also fit tight around the shoes. With gaiters, I have been able to wear lighter (and more nimble) low-topped shoes without suffering bug- bites and briar scratches around my ankles.
No pictures this time; didn’t want to get the camera all soggy. I should be getting paid as a rainmaker. Just send me outdoors to play. Last weekend I went, it rained; this week I stayed another day, it rained both days. I planted a short row of broomcorn, a few hills of gourds, and an experimental patch of buckwheat. Maybe it is finally wet enough to germinate the seeds. Since I’m not there to watch over it, I choose plantings that my neighbors are unlikely to steal (although last time, someone got the large gourd I was saving for seed). Now, if the deer don’t eat it all up… they are certainly visiting the place, and are profiting from the pears that a couple of squirrels are knocking down. I picked a few pears myself, cooked and put them in the freezer instead of bothering with canning.