Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween
I hunted Tuesday morning in that flat between Hickory Ridge and the creek. A small deer ducked out hurriedly when I had just finished setting up and, later, I thought I smelled one- smelled like a buck. Squirrels were busy, and their activities always entertain me.
Coyotes woke me during the night with their howling and carrying- on… it is Halloween… about
Monday, October 30, 2006
It feels like Autumn
I slept in Monday morning. It was cold and pretty this morning, and very pleasant to lie in a sleeping bag and sip coffee. I worked at camp chores, sweeping out mud and leaves, and weeding my little garden plot. The bugs are eating up my mustard greens. I did hunt the field this afternoon; I was forced to the far end, to take advantage of the East wind. They came out about
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Back home in the woods
Headed to the field again in the afternoon and was late getting there, about
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Nooning on Hickory Ridge

This high spot on Hickory Ridge is the nearest place to my cabin I can get a cell phone signal. The small flat area would make a good campsite for one or two tents, but I've never spent the night in this particular place. There are nice downhill views all around. I often go there to make coffee, check messages, and get a little midday rest.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Papaw’s fence

This little piece of fence brings up fond memories of my grandfather. It’s one of the few vestiges left, but I don’t treat it as a shrine. I just smile at the memories when I see it. That fence post enjoyed its first incarnation as bridge planking. It has a coating of asphalt with gravel imbedded. My grandfather worked for the highway at some point, and occasionally scavenged and recycled such cast- off materials. In those days before the “Stock Law” the whole area was open range, and livestock wandered everywhere. Folks fenced the livestock out of their fields to protect the crops they were growing. Couple of times per year the neighbors would gather with hired help, and have roundups.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
More close encounters
Monday, October 16, 2006
A misty, moisty morning,,,
Sunday, October 15, 2006
A little rain, finally
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Thunder in the woods
Armadillo attack

Friday, October 13, 2006
Death of an old friend
Burrowing nymph

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Night music
Pottery shard

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I wound the week up with a flourish
I had to go back to town after this morning’s hunt, so I knew I must make the best of it. I set up beside a tree in that flat between Hickory Ridge and the creek. The weather was warmer and damper this morning. There was more dew, and the leaves under foot were not as crunchy as they had been. I was daydreaming about how well my new glasses were performing in the field, when I saw movement in the distance. These things really help with picking out detail and avoiding eyestrain. I eased up to and got my bow into shooting position, The deer had materialized by this time, a good – sized, mature doe. I would take this one with no qualms. This was a textbook example; it all came together perfectly. I sighted the deer from a distance, and it never saw me. She came in to about 20 yards, perfect range, and stopped broadside. I came to full draw, aimed, and released a perfect shot. Somewhere between me and the deer, however, there was a vine that I hadn’t seen. The arrow struck it with a loud THWACK! The deer reared back her head, her eyes wide, and she bounded away, leaving a shadowy likeness to dissipate where she had been standing [just like in the cartoons]. I walked the arrow’s path and picked it up, lying on the ground. One blade showed obvious evidence of the vine’s impact. Thankful that I hadn’t had a long and difficult search to account for that arrow, I stowed it in my quiver and headed back to break camp. Some of my most cherished memories are the ones that got away, and this will be one of those. It all came together just right. What if that vine….
Well, I missed. A vine deflected my arrow. [original post by: Cingular Wireless Messaging
Saturday, October 07, 2006
What a glorious morning!
It was cool and still, with blue skies and sunshine. I ambled along Panther Creek to the far corner of the place and saw some scattered deer tracks; only one spot seemed to be a regularly- used trail. I filled my canteen and dropped in one of those chlorine tablets (for more on those, link to CampDaddy’s Page). I drank from that little creek for years, but I fear it is no longer pristine. There is now public access through the Wildlife Management Area, and I sometimes find bits of litter in it.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Still searching... and enjoying every minute of it
I’ve been seeing many wrens. That’s a delightful little bird with a large voice. These haven’t been singing, though: they were busy hunting. I wondered whether they are still feeding one last brood of chicks, are they preparing for the change of seasons, or has food scarcity with the dry weather necessitated more hunting effort. I had noted the absence of armadillos; they usually rummage around the forest duff and their noise kept me constantly on edge when watching for deer. I eventually saw some recent armadillo diggings: not fresh, but since the last rain.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Opening the archery deer season
Hi all; original post by cell phone fromHickory Ridge. Woods are pretty; seeing no deer but much squirrel activity.