The Virginia creeper is very colorful this year. This splash of red decorates one of the hurricane’s casualties in the swamp. This time of year, the bugs are minimal and the snakes have gone into hiding; it’s a wonderful time to play outdoors. On my frequent hikes through the swamp, I worried over the extreme dry conditions that left water in only a few puddles… very hard times for the swamp- critters. But recent showers have helped, and today’s forecast is for downpours that should raise the water level.
Lately, I’ve kept myself busy and have neglected my blogging. And I only share the good times, so some of my recent “adventures” have been swept under the rug. I have been enjoying some bowhunting. Not nearly enough time in the woods, but I have seen some deer and other wildlife. Also had a few times cold enough for the pleasure of a fire in my cabin’s wood- stove. Last Saturday was a cold morning, and I traipsed through the woods and hunkered down in several spots to watch for game. Mid- morning, after shivering enough, I returned to my truck and drove down the road on an errand. Beside the road, not a mile away, stood a fine young buck and his lady- friend, lazing in the warm sunshine and watching me pass… joke’s on me again!