Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Summer's comin' to the swamp

Lush undergrowth is forming in the swamp. More light is reacing the forest floor since the hurricanes took so many limbs and whole trees out of the canopy. Lots of critters are out enjoying the warmth; I saw birds and bunnies, squirrels and snakes, and skinks, today.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Critical Mass for April

We biked in some of my old stomping grounds on today's protest- ride. We went from LSU, through downtown, and out Choctaw Dr. to Scenic Hwy. and back downtown for music at the "Friday in the park celebration". There was quite a turn- out, but I think the claim of 250 riders may have been too high.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yikes, snakes!

Behind the library, there is some trash near the dumpster. Looks like some snakes may be starting a family there. I wonder how the library's patrons and employees will react to these neighbors.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Springtime swamp

It's warm and muggy in the swamp today; flowers are blooming, trees are shading the trail, bugs and lizards are busy, snakes are sunning. But, not all snakes were lazing around on the logs; I never saw such a squirming mass as this... pity the poor female at the bottom of that pile.