Well, the year rolled around and archery deer season opened October 1st. I squirmed and bit my nails, and finally got away Saturday afternoon for a trip to the woods. I had done zero scouting, my trails were overgrown, and I was short on time. The creek had gone down since the rains, to its usual few inches of depth, but the quicksand assured that I would start off with wet feet.
It was great to be home again, immersed in the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of the Tunica Hills at the best season of the year. I didn’t have time to be choosey about stand location; I just squatted among some bushes, at a spot I had hunted in previous years. Although I sat until dark, no deer moved within my sight or hearing. Perhaps, with the thick undergrowth, recent rain, and cool conditions, the deer are not moving around much for food and water.
It was great to be home again, immersed in the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of the Tunica Hills at the best season of the year. I didn’t have time to be choosey about stand location; I just squatted among some bushes, at a spot I had hunted in previous years. Although I sat until dark, no deer moved within my sight or hearing. Perhaps, with the thick undergrowth, recent rain, and cool conditions, the deer are not moving around much for food and water.
I saw a few squirrels in the area, and two barred owls flew into a tree nearby. After quite a conversation of honks, hoots, and cackles, one of the owls flew to another tree and a squirrel started barking there. Then the other owl flew over. The squirrel stopped barking, but I couldn’t tell whether the owls managed to get their supper or the squirrel escaped their hunting party.