Sneaked off for an overnight at the hunting camp. We got an interesting sky- show in the bargain, the Geminid meteor shower. Funny thing, though: I couldn't spot any meteors until AFTER the glass of Scotch.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Sunday, December 05, 2010
December in the Swamp
The calendar has turned, but I'm still in short- sleeves. A pretty evening in the swamp; it's cool and still, and the waters mirror a background of trunks, limbs, and leaves. The drought seems to have given us a bit of leaf- color this Fall. Birds and squirrels were busy in the trees; owls and woodducks were calling.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 08, 2010
Friday respite
It was a pretty afternoon in the woods. I enjoyed seeing some wildlife: birds, squirrels, armadillos. But I was after deer. Along about sunset, I saw movement behind that group of trees to the left. A deer stepped through that small opening at center and, when it went behind a tree, I raised my bow. It was a doe; as she crossed behind that thin veil of limbs and vines I noticed that she was skinny and bedraggled- looking. She made a low "moo" sound, and another shorter "moo". That's when she noticed me. She wheeled and bounded away with her white tail waving, and two spotted fawns broke from cover and scrambled away after her. What an interesting show! But the two different sounds left me wondering: did those kids have different names?
Thursday, October 07, 2010
October is often dry
yes, the swamp is thirsty; needs some rain. Pretty time of year, though. the critters and plants are preparing for fall. This dry and unusually cool stretch of weather has been very pleasant for us human "intruders".
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Way down yonder in the pawpaw patch
It was hot in the hills; what happened to those cool mornings? I found pawpaws! I knew they were supposed to be native here, but never saw them before. Maybe I don't often prowl the right habitat at this time of year. Several years ago, I found what I thought was a small, immature one; but I was uncertain 'til I found these. At any rate, I'm eating pawpaws. Their seeds look like persimmon; flavor is similar to persimmon, with tones of fig and cantelope.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Dreaming of Fall
It was a warm afternoon in the swamp... too warm for snakes and squirrels to be out. Not many birds were active, but there were a few interesting bugs around. I could feel a promise of Fall in the air, but I don't know where that came from: the temperature was high, it was humid, no leaves were dropping or turning color, and the only fruits ripening were elderberries and poke berries. Maybe there was a specific smell, a certain barometric pressure, or some subtle change in the forest spirits, that gave me a sensation of Summer beginning to fade into Fall.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Steamy Swamp
The muscadines are filling out. Makes me think of jelly and wine, but it'll be a while before they mature. Swamp inhabitants are happier, since getting some rains... low water levels had been difficult for both the flora and fauna.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Visit to Tickfaw SP
A quick trip to Tickfaw State Park was pleasant. I took the wife and the fly rods to check out their lake. I had seen the lake under construction, learned of it being stocked, and now I intended to try the fishing. The lake was completed and stocked several years ago, so there should be some good- sized fish in it by now. My "fishing report" is that we caught two small brim. It was a nice outing and not a long drive, so I was able to get back and work that afternoon.
I do like paddling and fishing in the Tickfaw River. And camping in the park is fun. They are building a road and bridge to access more property across the river, so I would be interested in whether those campsites will be public.
So I am ready to go back again soon... for an overnighter. However, I am not likely to fish in that lake again. If they do intend it to be as advertised, a "fishing lake", I have some ideas. I would wish for keeping the river floodwaters out of the lake. Catch- and- release policy will discourage many users. Consider allowing real access, not just the pier. Clear a few spots where the lake edge could be reached from the trail. Set up canoe rental or open the road to allow drive- up launching of personal boats.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sunset at the Lake
I had heard there were sightings of roseate spoonbills, so I had to check it out... saw none, but it was a pleasant spin on my bike. That's my "new" bicycle; second- hand, but it's tight and has high- end components. It's comfortable, plenty fast enough, and handles the streets just fine. It's really better than my old 3- speed; and, maybe in a few decades, I will become just as sentimental about this "new" one.
There was a pleasant breeze and the sun was sinking low, and I was wishing I had brought my fly rod... not enough fishing, lately.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Water for the swamp
Rains finally brought some much- needed water to the swamp. It had dried down to soggy ground and just a few mud puddles; and the situation was getting desperate. Today the frogs and birds were singing their relief. Lots of dragonflies were zipping around the clearings.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Bike Corral
I'm still cycling around town. I helped today, at the bike corral that BRASS held downtown for FestforAll. Since there are almost no bicycle parking facilities, Baton Rouge Advocates for Safe Streets gets a position, sets up parade barracades, and lines up some volunteers to offer secure bike parking. And that, in turn, hopefully encourages more folks to ride bicycles.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A beautiful day for Rockin' in the Swamp
"Line the kids up over there, pull the covers off of the Gold Mine and rush them through; that's why it's a 'Gold Rush' ". There was much enthusiasm over picking up chunks of pyrite.
That white pile of limestone had lots of fossils for the kids to search out... and no age limit on the "kids" who could hunt through it... I found a nice spiral shell. There were wonderful displays set up in the Nature center, too... folks from the Gem and Mineral society, LSU Geology, artists and crafters, and others. I resisted my urge to climb the Rock Wall.
Friday, March 05, 2010
Some "Spring" in my steps
Lots of goings- on in the swamp; critters are getting busy. Trees are budding, with a few early ones popping out. It's still early; cold in the mornings, but afternoon was very pleasant... shirtsleeve temperatures and sunny. Turtles were lined up on logs in the pond, a pair of geese feeding on the bank. I think the geese were visitors from a nearby lake. Lots of little birds were active in the trees and thickets; hawks were keening, egrets feeding. Owls are nesting, I guess... there were at least sthree pairs of barred owls hooting back and forth. Bunnies and squirrels were hopping around. Overall, a pleasant commune with nature.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
First campout this spring
I guess it could have been the last camping of February or the end of the small- game hunting seasons, but my glass is usually half- full... so there. It was a great outing, with a full moon, cool weather, lots of bird activity, and NO bugs. This was a site I've been wanting to camp for a long time; but it's somewhat remote and I just never seemed to get around to it. It's a little finger- ridge that juts out in a bend of Panther Creek, and has bluffs on three sides. My reasoning was that it would not likely be on a deer trail, so I could sleep peacefully without those critters waking me with rude snorting, every time they wandered by. It worked out, mostly... only had one deer come along and snort. It was not effective for the hoot- owls, however.
Good time, good company. Good grub, too. But I can now, from experience, recommend light- weight cookware for backpacking, over Dutchovens.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
"Well, I thought Spring was here"
The egret stands out among his bleak surroundings. Remember, the alligator saw his shadow... it aint' over, yet. There's a stark kind of beauty in the winter woods, that I like. It makes the critters and the bits of color easier to spot, and adds sort of a "framing" effect. And the mosquitoes are not chewing on you! Buds and bugs will be popping out soon, though.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Whooo's in the swamp?
Spring is near; I enjoyed a warm afternoon hike through the swamp. Barbara, the barred owl, was on her favorite perch. Her boyfriend was downhill in the wetland, checking on prospective nest sites.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Almost Spring
It was a pretty afternoon in the swamp; a warm, quiet spell ahead of the approaching winter storm. The swamp still looked a shade of grey, but there were buds forming and critters were getting busy. Lots of little birds hopped and flittered and scratched here and there. One of the resident hoot- owls was on her favorite perch. I jumped two pair of wood ducks, and they went whistling through the bare trees. One pair stopped to pose, the colorful male on a lower limb and his more- camouflaged mate above.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
End of the season
It was a pretty day in the hills, and I noticed that the trillium is beginning to grow. Trillium is one of the earliest spring greenings, and it makes me glad when I spot them. Got cold about 9 am. Weak rays of sun were feeling good on my back, but the wind soon started and had me shivering. By afternoon, the temperature had warmed quite pleasantly. I saw a few squirrels and lots of birds today, but no deer. And it's the last day of the season. Maybe next year...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sun- bathing in January
It was a beautiful springlike afternoon in the swamp. Br'er turtle was soaking up some rays... see how he is smiling? Shirtsleeve temperatures and sunshine were nice to me, too. But we'd best not get spoiled, 'cause there will be more frosty mornings next week.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Sunset in the woods

Sundown is a pretty time of day. As the sun slips beyond the hills, distinct shadows blend into the gathering gloom. Quite a show plays out overhead, where the last rays keep the treetops ablaze for a while longer. Dimming light in the bottomland brings squirrels out to forage, and the singing, fluttering, hopping birds of the day retire in favor of the less vocal species which scratch about in the leaf litter; and the owls which hoot in the distance or silently wing through the trees. The deer will begin filtering from their beds to favorite browsing areas.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tricky crossing
That log is difficult to walk. With the bark skinned off, it is slick; shape is round, with ridges and knots; a bit of mud or ice really makes it interesting.
My turn comes next.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Weather cleared and warmed up, yesterday; but I don't think winter is over. There were some nice, new signposts and way- markers along the Bluebonnet Swamp trails. Great idea to enhance the experience of new and infrequent visitors. some folks are intimidated by the prospect of getting lost in the "swamp". It looks a little bleak with all the foliage down, but the Great Circle will roll and buds will be popping out soon.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Loup Garou
It was a beautiful day in the swamp, cool and sunny, lots of birds and squirrels. Nearing the end of my walk, I saw the swamp monster across the water,crouching in the undergrowth. See him? Just left of that big tupelo. I snapped a picture as I slipped away.. don't think he noticed me... at least he didn't give chase.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
New Year's in the hills
I had a pretty weekend for New Year’s. After the cold front, the skies cleared, the moon was full, and the nights were chilly. Big frost Saturday morning quickly burned off, and the sun warmed things pleasantly. I saw lots of busy critters during that Saturday afternoon warmth. Birds were fluttering around the branches, squirrels and chipmunks were hopping and rustling leaves. I even saw two armadillos… thought they should be holed up this time of year.
I was bow- hunting, of course. About sundown, I saw noticed some movement up the hollow; someone was waving a candelabra with white candlesticks in it. There… I saw it move again, up and down… had to be a big buck. He was far out of bow range, maybe a hundred yards, and was off through some limbs and leaves. I never could make out the body of the deer, and never saw him leave… just a glimpse of that big rack. Maybe tomorrow. Oh boy, when the sun sank below the hills Saturday evening, temperatures dropped quickly; and I was already shivering from the sight of those big antlers. I was glad to get back home to my cabin… simple pleasures of fat- pine kindling and the warm glow of a lantern.
The creek channel had narrowed and deepened and I’d been crossing on a fallen log. I had scrounged up a pole to assist my crossing… didn’t trust my balance over the water… thank you, Mr. Beaver, for cutting that sapling. The water was only about knee- deep, even allowing for the possibility of some quicksand; but that water looked cold. Sunday morning, early, I had no trouble crossing the log, but my return was precarious. It was still cold and now the wind was whistling around my ears and down my collar. When I stepped out on that log, it was icy! Maybe my earlier tread had slicked down the frost atop the log. I was almost skating off the sides with every step… I was grateful to have the pole to get me through such an exciting dance across the log.
I hated to break camp and go back to the real world, with those bucks rubbing trees and working scrapes. Gotta get back there soon; full moon ought to really get their juices flowing in the next few days.
I was bow- hunting, of course. About sundown, I saw noticed some movement up the hollow; someone was waving a candelabra with white candlesticks in it. There… I saw it move again, up and down… had to be a big buck. He was far out of bow range, maybe a hundred yards, and was off through some limbs and leaves. I never could make out the body of the deer, and never saw him leave… just a glimpse of that big rack. Maybe tomorrow. Oh boy, when the sun sank below the hills Saturday evening, temperatures dropped quickly; and I was already shivering from the sight of those big antlers. I was glad to get back home to my cabin… simple pleasures of fat- pine kindling and the warm glow of a lantern.
The creek channel had narrowed and deepened and I’d been crossing on a fallen log. I had scrounged up a pole to assist my crossing… didn’t trust my balance over the water… thank you, Mr. Beaver, for cutting that sapling. The water was only about knee- deep, even allowing for the possibility of some quicksand; but that water looked cold. Sunday morning, early, I had no trouble crossing the log, but my return was precarious. It was still cold and now the wind was whistling around my ears and down my collar. When I stepped out on that log, it was icy! Maybe my earlier tread had slicked down the frost atop the log. I was almost skating off the sides with every step… I was grateful to have the pole to get me through such an exciting dance across the log.
I hated to break camp and go back to the real world, with those bucks rubbing trees and working scrapes. Gotta get back there soon; full moon ought to really get their juices flowing in the next few days.
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