Monday, October 31, 2005

It was a beautiful weekend!

I'm back in town; it's midday, Halloween. It was an absolutely georgous weekend. It was cool at night (Friday was cold, mid- thirties) and warmed up comfortably at mid- day. There was a sliver of moon, and the days started quiet and still, with some breezes starting late mornings.

Armadillos are out in force. Perhaps the drouth has them working overtime. I should be hunting them instead of deer. Anybody got a good armadillo recipe? I googled up some for fried, baked, and barbecued, but chili looked the best; probably could substitute into my own favorite chili mix.

I did see three deer grazing in the cutover part of the field. I started sneaking their direction, but the litter of leaves and twigs from the storms made it like stalking through cornflakes. They made a hasty exit with white flags flying. I took a few pictures, they're on film, so I must edit them in.

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