Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Campdaddy's Recipe: Brown Rice- Veggies one serving

I've always liked brown rice; maybe that stems from my 1960's Mother- Earth mentality. For camping, however, long - cooking brown rice requires a lot of stove fuel or simmering over a fire, and doesn't fit well into my camping style. Years back, I had sampled and dismissed the quick- cook brown rice offerings, as unpalatable. Recently, I decided to try again; got some Uncle Ben's brand instant brown rice and was pleasantly surprised. Maybe their processing has improved, maybe brown rice abstinance during the tenure of my domestication has made me more tolerant. Whatever the reason, I've happily included this product in my pack. Here's an easy one- pot recipe:

1/2 C instant brown rice

2 cubes vegetable bullion

3/4 C water

Combine, cover, simmer 12 minutes, fluff and eat. Vary to suit your taste, with other bullion and/ or seasonings. I like to add dehydrated vegetables, peas, and/or meats, and increase water to 1 C for 2 Tbsp additions).

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