Saturday, March 18, 2006

Fishing time is near

I gave it up and returned to town. The wind was too much and unlikely to abate, but luckily, the rains didn't materialize. The campground was loud with blaring music; I could listen to cajun, country, oldies, rap, or various mixtures. I had expected to overnight there. With rain and blustery conditions likely, I had not taken gear for a wilderness sleep. Next trip, I'll allow for alternatives. I tested a half- dozen hooks on catfish lines; lost the bait but caught nothing. A fly was difficult to cast in that wind, but I gave it a noble effort. Every time the gusts would die down, I would venture out again to try fishing. I had several strikes on both wet flies and poppers, but didn't catch any. Nobody else was successful either, and that usually leads them to excessive boat- riding. I'm hoping another week may put us into prime fishing.

I was pleased to get cell phone reception from the boat launch; I was able to send the blog- post you see below and also to make a call.

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