Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Campdaddy's Recipe: Instant Breakfast

OK, it's not really original; I got the idea from a similar one in Backpacker magazine. And it's not really a recipe; more like a "Serving Suggestion". That said, I've been using this lately, and maybe it's worth passing along. Breakfast can be difficult to manage on the trail, or when you're in a hurry to get out of camp for hunting or fishing. I get tired of Pop- Tarts and would prefer something more substantial, anyway. Here's an item that is hot and tasty, quick and easy, and "sticks to your ribs". Requires only your sierra cup and a spoon: cooked and eaten. The flavors meld nicely, and it is fairly nutritious.

  • Single- serve packet of instant oatmeal mix (I like the varieties with dried fruit).
  • Measure water per packet instructions and heat to boiling (at home, I microwave in a glass cup).
  • Dump in the packet of oatmeal mix
  • Stir in a dollop of peanut butter, one or two teaspoons or to taste.
  • Let stand 'till rehydrated, or until you can't wait any longer.

1 comment:

Lynn Green said...

My wife and I love camping. Definately linking this blog.