Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Oh, deer me

I found four deer feeding in the field. Well, well, that makes me excited for bowhunting… it’s less than a month. I’m back out of the woods now, and it was a hot trip. I had to take my grass mowing and fence work slowly. I got a few things accomplished and I did get to play a little. I looked for animal tracks in the creek and watched for pottery shards. I got to practice with my bow, too. I’ve been “field testing” some of my camping recipes, so maybe I’ll post some of that soon, over on Campdaddy’s page. There were fresh deer droppings in the camp yard; looked like a fawn visited during the night. There were deer hanging around across the creek, too; wonder if they were the same ones in the field. I saw or heard them several times from the bluff. I only got a good look at one… a medium- sized doe. The evenings were very nice… warm summer nights, perfume of wildflowers in the air, heat lightning flickering a sky- show … stirs some memories. Lightning bugs were flashing and crickets singing all around (probably some kind of conehead katydids, but “crickets” sounds more romantic). There were several screech owls calling in the night. An occasional coyote howled and, in the distance, a barred owl was making quite a racket.

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