Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Buck Fever
I finally got back to the woods near noon on Sunday. I heard of a large spike and an 8- point taken; heard tales of a 12- point and does that were travelling in herds. I found a fresh rub near my old beech- tree campsite. He was still working this area! I never could satisfy myself with a setup there, so I moved over to the fallen tree which I pictured in a previous post. I heard him about sunset, charging through the dry leaves in the creek bottom; must have come from across Panther Creek. Had to be a buck; he would go charging along for a short sprint, them stop for a long wait. I believe a doe would have just ambled along, pausing occasionally to browse, but making steady progress. Oh, boy, I get nervous when I hear one but can't see him! His progress was loud in the dry leaves, so I could easily keep track of him. When I heard him charge across near my first stand (the one I didn't like), I grunted at him and he stopped in the hollow beyond. I waited, listening for some movement. Oh, boy! Now I couldn't see him and couldn't hear him, either, and he was close! The wind was still in my favor, but daylight was fading fast. I'm pretty cool when a buck hops into view. I know what has to be done and just fall into a well- rehersed routine. But this cat- and- mouse situation makes me crazy. My adrenaline was surging and my heart was pumping so, that I feared he could hear it banging against my chest wall. Finally, I heard footfalls in the leaves, not far away, but behind that fallen treetop; might just be a bird or chipmunk. No, a distinct crunching of leaves! He was out there, but light was failing, I couldn't see my sights. I was about to explode, and thus it ended for the day. But what a rush! That's what has kept me coming back all these years. It's a hard fall and a letdown to quit when you're that close and that pumped- up, but you can bet I'lll be looking for him again.