I took my canoe this morning for a visit to the Tickfaw river. I'm trying to catch some fish to fry, and Tickfaw was my choice to avoid crowds and powerboats and stay out of the gusty winds that have been so prevalent. It was a lovely morning, cool and clear and low humidity. When I got to the park entrance, they told me that I wouldn't be able to reach the river. The water in Gum Bayou was too low to access the river, and there were branches and treetops from the storms blocking the way. I spent a couple of hours walking the trails and boardwalks. The trees are leafing out and blooming; the birds are really busy. I walked out to the canoe launch at the far end of the park; the river was low and very clear. The understory was relatively free of fallen limbs, but there were many large trees down. I watched some hawks for a while... some kind of kite, I think. There were three of them, and I couldn't quite figure out the situation. The female was preening and calling from a high perch and the male flew in several times and mounted her. The third one looked similar to the female and just sat there, in a nearby tree. Perhaps it was a juvenile; I am doubtful whether that male would have several mates at the same time. I will try to post a few pictures later... still can't make them work from the home computer.
Looked it up... they were Mississippi Kite.
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