Sunday, May 28, 2006

I'm practicing for my retirement

By rough figuring, I should become eligible for retirement September 6 (99 days), and I scheduled a meeting in late July to figure it more closely. I went to the country overnight to celebrate my Birthday. It's definitely summertime in the hills. Seems I just mowed that grass, and it needs cutting again. I was setting up my hammock when the thunderstorm broke, so I made a dash for the truck. I got myself and my gear all wet, but I caught a nap while the rain pattered on the camper- shell. It was hot and steamy after the shower cleared, and I just lazed around. I had brought my old bow, and flung a few arrows. I prowled the creek gravels for pottery sherds, but found none. Mosquitoes were terrible after the sun had set, and citronella candles didn't dissuade them. I had to shelter behind a screen to watch as darkness fell. The last birds went to roost and a bat fluttered around. It was nice to see the lightning- bugs flashing all around; they've murdered all the ones in Baton Rouge with mosquito- spray. I seem to recall single- flash is the male's advertising, and that is what I was seeing.

The songbirds were extolling their happiness Sunday morning; crows were cawing and turkeys were yelping across the creek. My trail to the creek was overgrown, and clearing it was a hot job. I don't know which was worse: swinging a blade or swatting at bugs. I took the opportunity to go up to the cemetery and visit my dad. I've come to be the same age as him--how time flies.


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