I saw two of them... up close and personal; wonder if the mating urge has them out and rambling. Two in a weekend, when even one would have been noteworthy, a rare treat. Yellow- speckled, and they were shiny black; made me suspect they had shed recently.
I also saw lots of spiders, those banana/ garden spiders (as a youngster I knew them as "rattlesnake spiders" and they all seemed to build their sticky yellow webs at horseback height). This weekend, they were all small, and some webs had several spiders; perhaps mixed genders. I don't know; I never studied spiders much. I wonder weather those big ones I see in the Fall have grown from this size , or do some over- winter and get a head- start on the year's growth.
Good stories, and the kingsnake and tent pics are nice. I have had trouble posting pics for the last week and just got better last night. You can have the ticks, thank you kindly.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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