A little woods violet was smiling through the leaf- litter…another pronouncement of spring. The goldfinches were busy at my birdfeeder, and there were many other birds fluttering around the bushes and the camp- yard. I need to put up a nest box for that bluebird!
My intention was to do some squirrel hunting while I was in the woods; when I was chasing deer, the squirrels were everywhere. Now, I only spotted two, and they were far away. Maybe I was too enthralled with the birds bouncing everywhere, to be serious about squirrel hunting. The rainy spell seems to have ended, but the ground is still wet like a sponge. It was cold this morning, low 20’s, but it was still, and warmed up to a very pretty afternoon. I love this time of the year... I guess I say that at every season... it's always joyous to be out basking in the natural world. Sunrises and sunsets have been colorful… those red- orange skies make beautiful contrasts to the silhouettes of bare- limbed trees.