This old moccasin was lying in an area I had mowed last week and didn’t seem intimidated by my presence. He just rose up and watched me; didn’t run away and didn’t charge me. He seemed friendly enough; every time I would throw a stick at him, he would wag his tail rapidly. He held his ground, but I wanted him to move so I could better identify him. When I went to look for the proverbial 10- foot- pole, he sneaked away. You can bet I watched where I was stepping when I crossed that area again! I had close visits with three snakes, and I don’t go looking for them; that’s more than I usually see in a whole weekend. I saw a black runner in the camp yard and a large rat snake near the creek.
It was a windy day and, in the woods, it was raining bugs. Inchworms and tent caterpillars were everywhere and were often crawling on me. Something I found strange was that there were no spider webs. Usually, there would be sticky yellow webs stretched across every trail and throughout the woods.
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