I found a labeled picture of these at the B
luebonnet Swamp Nature center (they are celebrating their ten- year anniversary on Saturday, by the way). These native wildflowers are Indian Pinks, Spigelia marilandica. My own picture was taken in the Tunica Hills... serendippity... it was a place where I started down the wrong trail from a hilltop. It is amazing how a small miscalculation at the top of a hill can translate to such a great mess by the time one reaches the bottom, with briar- patches, ravines, blow- downs and sheer distance between you and your destination. My post is rambling… anyway, I happened upon this patch of flowers and was astonished. They were beautiful and their bright colors stood out boldly against the greening of early spring. I’ve seen something like these before, but I didn’t know they were natives; and I didn’t know they grew in my woods. I guess my forays to the forest have always been brief during the spring… too busy trying to make a living… seems I have been missing a lot.

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