Well, I finally got the sheepherders- stove hooked up in my cabin. My only experience with them has been in tents; they are fun to use and efficient (hope it doesn't put out too much heat). I never could figure a good fireplace design for such a small cabin, but have been wanting to listen to the wood crackle. So I got a stove, got the flu- pipe, and it’s been sitting for a while. I built a sheet- metal insert for the pipe exit, and finally got it all assembled. But it turned into summer again! And it’s too hot to try it out; too hot to hunt, too. I did manage to get some chores done and spent some time in the woods. There are a few birds around, and lots of squirrels, and a few armadillos have broken hibernation (I guess they hibernate). As I predicted, I have been seeing some bright leaf color. And here’s a picture of some holly; it’s an understory tree in my neck of the woods, much shaded, and seeing berries on one is a rarity.

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