I abbreviated my trip after seeing this guy! Note that diamond- shaped head. That old cottonmouth was having the life of Reily with the high water blocking the creek flow. He was sipping something small from the water surface; just hanging there, feeding in the slow current. Ticks are crawling; I found 3 hiking around on me; and mosquitoes are getting worse... a few in the shade, and they got bad at sunset.
Pigs are rooting the creek- bank again. One of them leaves a big track, and deep! The track, itself, must weigh 40 pounds. I sat in the reeds until nearly dark, but the pigs didn't show. I did, however get to see two deer headed down to water. The woods are thickening and getting shady. There are still lots of wildflowers; don't know this one but thought it was pretty... maybe wild verbena?

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