Monday, September 07, 2009

Labor Day Biking to Farr Park

I took advantage of the day off: I had long been wanting to ride the levee trail down to Farr Park. It was midday when I arrived, and mighty quiet at the park. The park staff was probably off for the holiday, but there were a few RVs in the campground. I would like to experiment with camping/ touring on my bicycle, and this park would be a convenient destination for some shakedown camp- outs. I need to talk to their staff and learn whether they have tent sites, how much the fees are, and how to make arrangements. It would be fun, in cooler weather, to go with a group and socialize over supper and a nice campfire. I mounted the Levee Trail from Oklahoma Street; it’s paved and very smooth from town to LSU. Easy riding, except for the dog- walkers and joggers who blocked up both sides of the bike lanes… then, there were also bikers in the pedestrian lane. South of LSU, the levee was topped with gravel, and prudence dictated a slower pace… still not bad riding for the mountain bike… with front suspension and lugged tires. And not many other people on that section. A nice clearing had been maintained between levee and river… I think it must be where the sunken chlorine barge was raised. Wow, that was nearly half a century ago. It was made into a park, for a while… maybe still is (gotta check on that).

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