Sunday, August 20, 2006

Finally finished my plumbing project

Whew! I set out to change the hot- water hose on the washing machine-- one of those honey- do projects. It seems that there are internet posts indicating that these hoses might get brittle with age. The hot side might be more susceptible. A hose might fail. A leak might result. This might happen when nobody is around to turn the water off. The floor might get flooded. Well, I finished it yesterday and maybe now I can go play. When the hose turned out to be corroded to the valve, that 5- minute project turned into three weeks. I ruined the faucet in the process, had to replace the valve, and the wrench slipped. Three weeks later, eleven stitches, much aggravation, additional hardware and tools, and medical costs have gone into this project. I think I'm healed enough to start my archery practice again.

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