Friday, December 08, 2006

I hope this rids us of mosquitoes!

I slept pretty well, and was glad to have the thermal underwear. It was 30 degrees in the cabin when I woke up. I lit the heater, started some coffee and rolled back over and convinced myself that those deer were too smart to get out of their beds when it’s that cold. They’d like to lounge around, so that’s what I did, too. The heater got the cabin up to 50 degrees and I was so comfortable that I made another cup of coffee and listened to the radio for a while. When I worked up enough courage to get outside, I found that it was a beautiful morning: the temperature was 28; it was fair and sunny, with very slight breezes. This weather was pleasant, and was a far cry from a Friday, December 8, that I remember twenty- eight years ago…that one was cold and breezy and wet, and still drizzling rain.

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