Sunday, April 06, 2008

Spring has sprung and geocaches are hiding

Spittlebugs were doing their thing, tulip poplar buds will soon open to full flower. Songbirds were trilling, owls hooting, and hawks keening. I noticed that the pecan trees are leafing out, sure sign that winter is over. I played a new game called geocaching; it’s a hi- tech version of Easter- egg hunts. There’s a hidden “treasure” (actually there are thousands of them all over the world). Latitude and Longitude coordinates and some hints are obtained from this website. Sign- in logs are the usual “treasure”, but there are sometimes trinkets you can trade or trackable items which want to be moved to another cache. Finds can be recorded on the website. Enter the coordinates into a GPS unit and let it lead to the hiding place. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, maybe I’m not that smart. I found one and signed the log at the Bluebonnet Swamp. However, there is another cache at the swamp that I must try again. And there is one at the library that I could not find… I stood at the point where my GPS said zero, but I couldn’t locate anything. Maybe I should stick with nature; dragonflies were zipping around. Muscadine vines were budding… they were loaded with fruit last year.

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