Sunday, May 10, 2009

Whew, there’s a flood of bike stuff going on!

Monday morning there will be a ride to the State Capitol, in support of the bike safety bill. Wednesday, the Mayor will hold a press conference nearby, to announce his health initiative and improved bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Thursday is the monthly meeting of the bike and pedestrian committee which advises the City Parish Planning Commission. Last night, the wife wanted to ride with the kids: a group met at midnight at the LSU tower, rode around town, and howled at the full moon. Early this morning, I went to check bike- ability of Burbank Blvd, but it didn’t look promising: I need a reasonable route that direction, because this is Bike- to- Work- Week. I need to pedal over and visit Mom, because this is Mother’s Day. This afternoon, help may be needed to attend the bike corral for Sunday- in- the- Park. How did I ever manage to work full- time?

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