I have been seeing the denizens of the swamp from a new perspective (click the pic). My time in the Louisiana swamps has often been in a canoe or motorboat (with a motor everything whizzes by or the noise makes the critters hide). On foot, my typical swamp visit has been a brief rest stop or a hunt during cold- weather. My recent boardwalk excursions are new and interesting to me. Only minimal attention is needed to avoid obstacles, thorns, and snakes, and the elevated platform allows views down into the weeds, water, and brush piles. I'm doing stuff that is pretty tame recently, but it’s better than the frustration of wishing I were someplace exotic, and my swamp walks have contributed much. I have been going to the Bluebonnet Swamp for little strolls, on my way to work; that makes it only 2- 4 times a week, but it’s on a regular basis. The park’s trails are paved with limestone rocks and there are boardwalks that lead into the wet areas. One could walk the entire trail system in less than an hour, but I usually slip along, slow and quiet, and watch for critters. They close at 5 pm, so I go there Tuesdays and Wednesdays around 3:30 or 4:00 and leave at 5:00. That gives me a chance to regroup, to recover from domestic life and rush- hour traffic, get a little exercise, and still get to work early enough to check email, read a magazine, or loaf a bit. This is the way working life should be: the 5- day weekend!
1 comment:
Nice stuff Bud. Watch out for the moccasins. Jim
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