Monday, March 31, 2008

The hills are alive with the sound of … insects

I think this was an early bloom of a dogwood but couldn’t get close enough to be sure, and most of them were not flowering yet. It looked like a little white cloud floating over Panther Creek. Lots of things were blooming in the hills. The mayapple blossoms were getting large, blue phlox were still in their glory, red buckeye, wild salvia, various clovers, and countless other wildflowers were everywhere. I’m just back from a few days in the hills and springtime is coming on strong. As usual, I couldn’t find turkeys (it’s hunting season, now), although they walk, fly, roost, scratch, cluck, yelp, and make a general nuisance of themselves during my autumn deer hunts. I took my bow and scouted for sign, even tried calling a bit, but found no turkeys. I did find bugs, however. The mosquitoes were still numerous and hungry; even with bug dope they drove me to distraction with buzzing. I found several ticks crawling on me and felt one bite… brushed him off before he could latch on. And now, the aggravation of gnats has been added… those tiny little no- see- ums that have such a burning bite. Deer flies were out in swarms, and were chasing my truck on the road through a pasture. Fireflies were putting on quite a light- show, so that tempered my disdain of some of the nasty bugs.

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