Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Archery Opener

Well I didn’t “live” in the woods and hunt the whole time as I had wished, but I did walk around Monday morning and Monday afternoon carrying my bow and arrows. October 1st is opening day for Louisiana’s archery deer season. I was scouting, more than hunting, and had a great time. The familiar sights, sounds, and smells were all there to appease me. A few squirrels and chipmunks were shaking branches and scratching in the leaf litter. Breezes shook loose a few leaves to flutter down. Here and there, acorns were dropping with a “plop” on the forest floor. I’m home again! I wait all year, anticipating this. I had a good trip, despite a few distractions. I’m still doing some work at the family cemetery, there is always some maintenance needed around the place, and boundary markers needed refurbishing. Monday night, there were lots of stars, and several screech owls were nearby to sing me to sleep. Tuesday morning, I had time for only a short hunt, so I couldn’t venture very far. It was foggy and had cooled considerably overnight. In fact, it was damp and chilly enough that I wished for my insulated vest; I usually keep one in my daypack… I’ll have it next time. Although I didn’t manage to get close to any deer on this trip, but I did see a young doe and I jumped another deer, unseen, as I walked near a thicket; brought that adrenaline rush back again.

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