Thursday, October 18, 2007

Well, they fooled me this time

I went back Sunday evening, for another try at that big bruiser. This time, I set up nearer to Panther Creek. Maybe I could see him against the lighter background of that sandy creekbed. I hunkered down near a big tree and immediately wished I had brought my tree- seat. Oh well, I guess ya gotta suffer to see deer. I spotted another knoll with a good 360- degree view, but resisted the urge to go check it out… didn’t want to be spreading around my noise, movement, and scent… put that on my list for another day. I watched and waited, and the squirrels, birds, and butterflies were very entertaining. About fifteen minutes after sunset, the light was fading. A deer snorted and I saw two white flags bounding through the brush. The air currents had changed direction and given me away. This time the deer had skirted through the thicket on the far side of Panther Creek. They snorted and stamped the ground for a while, but didn’t come back out. Darkness fell and I eased out of there, disappointed that I had let them detect my presence.

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